Monday, March 2, 2015

life is better together*

"Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone. 
I will make him a helper fit for him.'"
{ genesis 2:18 }

Upon reflecting on this decision of God's, I became so thankful 1) that He meant for us to live this life t-o-g-e-t-h-e-r, not alone and 2) that He created Jordan... a helper, made perfectly fit* for me.

Thinking even deeper into this verse, I soon became a basketcase of tears... as I found myself completely enveloped in a full-blown panic attack, drowning in memories of the hard times of my oh-so-short life, and becoming fearful of those that may lie ahead. You see... I struggle with anxiety, and bouts of depression. It's not an every-second-of-every-day thing, it comes and goes - but when it comes, it's scary and dark and lonely... My #1 Helper wasn't home and was unreachable at the time... but I knew I needed someone, right then. So I worked up the courage to call upon a friend. I didn't want her to know, didn't want to burden her with "my problems"- but also knew I needed to. And you know what? She provided me with *The Best* encouragement I could've received in that moment. With her words, I was able to make my way through the clouds, dry my tears, take a deep breath, and was even able to see a glimpse of hope.

Something else that I found interesting - once I was able to gather myself and refocus, of course! - was that she started her response to my cry with "Ashlee, I'm so sorry. I had no idea!" >> Please know - if you're one who's in a hard spot right now... or when you find yourself in one in the future - our helpers* often don't know how badly we need them, until we work up the courage to tell them. Sometimes our helpers do know that we're in need - but they don't know when, how, or how much to provide... they're waiting for us to ask. 

God gave us helpers* - He meant for life to be lived together.

I start each morning thanking Him for my husband, and the specific qualities with which He polished him with me in mind ;-) I know, without a doubt, that God made him perfectly fit* for me. In addition, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for the MANY helpers* with whom our gracious God has blessed me > > with whom to not only conquer the darkness, but to also celebrate the light!

Today's encouragement: Thank God for your MANY helpers* - and then take the time to thank them too! And if you know someone who's in need... remind them that you want them to call upon you... Afterall, life is [SO] much better together :)